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About Us

About PB Penguin

Welcome to our website  a convenient way to order our products with a click of a button.

In 1989 we introduced a revolutionary product to the pharmaceutical industry that would lead effective cold chain management of pharmaceuticals and biologicals.

We surely did not invent the Cool pack, nor did we coin the phrase, but being utterly astonished at the carelessness with which some manufacturers formulated the contents of their ice packs, we set forth to develop a product that is non-toxic and completely biodegradable.

Today whilst the world is reformulating to try and save mother earth, we will not change a thing to our Cool packs, because we did it right from the start. In addition to our very special formula, we are in the position to distribute our products at a price that would make the most cost conscious accountant smile.

In addition to our Cool packs we also manufacture a range of cosmetics and personal hygiene products that is formulated towards the highest quality at very reasonable cost. We supply a wide range of packaging materials, and our experience has lead us to become contract packaging agents.

24/7 Support

Our clients are the heart of the business, it is our priority to ensure that you are assisted and responded to at all times. 

Countrywide Delivery

We individualize delivery to the specific conveyance requirements of our clients. Call us to discuss the delivery means that best suits you.

Eco Friendly Products

All our products are market-oriented and cause minimal environmental degradation, and are structured in a way that considers the ecosystem. 

A Trusted Brand In The Pharmaceutical Industry.